
New MVT Underground Cocktail Bar – dLeña Roja – Opens Next Week

Friday June 4, 2021

Good news for lovers of tequila, mezcal and gorgeous below-grade lounges: dLeña Roja – a dark, candle-lit cocktail bar covered in brown leather seats and stocked with 250 tequilas – opens next Friday, June 11, which coincides with the date that the District plans to fully reopen.

The underground lounge is accessible by stairwell via dLeña restaurant at 476 K Street NW or through a private entrance on 5th Street NW. Read the EaterDC article below to learn more about this newest Mount Vernon Triangle hotspot including hours of operation, its plans for a robust menu of Mexican small plates as well as a 14-page drink and cocktail menu that will feature 300 tequila- and mezcal-based spirits, and the 44 private liquor lockers that are available for rent on a six-month basis.