
MVT Holds Stakeholder Roundtable with Mayor’s Office of Nightlife and Culture

Monday January 31, 2022

On Wednesday, January 26, MVT CID convened a roundtable with Director Solana Vander Nat of the Mayor’s Office of Nightlife and Culture to provide area restaurant and hospitality owners and operators the opportunity to share the issues critically important their business and where support is currently needed most. Among the items discussed were the $40 million Bridge Fund established to support the economic recovery and long-term viability of DC’s small businesses, feedback on the current mask and vaccine mandates, and public safety in our community and the District as a whole.

MVT CID extends its special thanks to Carlos and May-May Horcasitas, owners of 476 K Street NW and dLeña, for hosting; to Director Vander Nat and her team for agreeing to engage with business owners and operators important to our nightlife economy; and to everyone in attendance for coming together to have this open conversation about the issues that matter to them most.