Metro Wants Your Feedback!
Wednesday January 23, 2019
Metro invites you to comment on its proposed Fiscal Year 2020 budget, which is committed to delivering better service and value to riders while controlling costs and identifying efficiencies. Through 5pm on Tuesday, February 5, Metro is asking for feedback and comments through an online survey on several key initiatives that are being considered as part of its $3.4 billion capital and operating budget proposal. These initiatives include:
- Expand weekday rush hours to provide more frequent service later in the morning and evening from 5:00-10:00am and 3:00-8:30pm.
- Extend service on the Yellow Line to Greenbelt instead of Fort Totten or Mount Vernon Square.
- Extend all Red Line trains to Glenmont during weekday rush hours and weekends instead of ending some trains at Silver Spring.
- Run all eight-car trains.
- Implement a $2 weekend flat fare on Metrorail, excluding special events.
- Reduce the cost of the 7-day bus pass from $17.50 to $15.
- Add unlimited local Metrobus trips to Metro’s unlimited monthly rail pass – SelectPass – at no additional cost.
- Introduce an updated series of passes by adjusting the current 1-Day, 7-Day Short-Trip and 7-Day Fast Rail Passes and introducing a new 3-Day Pass, with all including unlimited local Metrobus trips.
In addition to the online survey and comment took, customers may also attend an open house and public hearing at one of the following dates, times and locations:
- Tuesday, January 29: Metro Headquarters Building, 600 5th St NW, Washington DC 20001, Open House at 5:30pm, Public Hearing at 6:00pm.
- Wednesday, January 30: The Durant Arts Center, 1605 Cameron St, Alexandria, VA 22314, Open House at 6:00pm, Public Hearing at 6:30pm
- Thursday, January 31, 2019: Greenbelt Library, 11 Crescent Rd, Greenbelt, MD 20770, Open House at 6:00pm, Public Hearing at 6:30pm.
More information about these proposals and the entire Fiscal Year 2020 budget can be found at
Additional Information that Metro Wants You to Know
- Metro is committed to moving Metro beyond “Back2Good” to make the system “better than good” by expanding rush hours, extending service on the Yellow and Red lines and enhancing the value of Metro’s unlimited rail and bus passes. Metro’s proposed budget prioritizes safety and compliance, investing $1.4 billion through Metro’s Capital Improvement Program for safety and reliability improvements, rebuilding the Metro system and improving the effectiveness of the current rail and bus network.
- Public feedback will be provided to Metro’s Board of Directors in March 2019 as part of the final decision-making process. Any Board-approved fare or service changes will begin on or about July 1, 2019.
- Please forward this information along to others in your organization who may be interested in providing input.