
More Feedback Requested: moveDC Long-Range Transportation Plan

Friday March 12, 2021

In fall 2020, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) asked for your input on DC’s transportation goals, policies and priorities for moveDC—the District’s long-range multi-modal transportation plan that will set the 25-year vision for our transportation system. With that phase of public engagement complete, DDOT now wants your input on the strategies and actions to which it will commit (in order to meet the goals and implement its polices) in this second – and final – survey.

Available in both English and Spanish, the survey is open through Wednesday, March 31 can also be taken by telephone at (202) 599-7371. Office hours are available from 10-11am on Thursday, March 18 and March 25 for those wishing to share their feedback verbally. Or call simply call the moveDC Hotline anytime to leave a message and someone will call you back!

Visit DDOT’s moveDC website for more information about the process, and visit the Get Involved page to view February’s virtual town and to learn additional details on how you can engage.