
MVT CID Creates Neighborhood Transportation Plan for Mount Vernon Triangle

Friday March 12, 2021

In what won’t come as a surprise to many, Mount Vernon Triangle’s emergence as a successful, popular downtown neighborhood and more walkable urban place has also created transit-related disruptions due to disjointed connections between old and new urban fabric. Consider the following:

  • Newly improved streets abut those not yet improved, causing awkward or dangerous conditions for pedestrians.
  • The rerouting of traffic to and from the I-395 Freeway has resolved longstanding problems, while creating new problems in other places.
  • Increased pedestrian, cyclist, and motorist traffic – along with pick-up, drop-off, and commercial loading operations – is straining streets and intersections throughout the neighborhood.
  • Driver confusion, overloaded pedestrian refuge areas, and modal conflicts are the results.

To identify and address transportation modal conflicts in Mount Vernon Triangle caused by the neighborhood’s rapid growth and shifting movement patterns in the surrounding city, MVT CID recently prepared a first-ever Neighborhood Transportation Plan for Mount Vernon Triangle. Focusing first on urgent safety priorities at intersections and along streets, the goal of the Neighborhood Transportation Plan is to:

  1. Develop and implement a program of transportation interventions that improve pedestrian and non-motorist (including cyclists and scooter riders) safety and relieve motorist frustration in the neighborhood.
  2. Categorize projects into immediate, near-term, medium-term, and long-term based on design, permitting, and funding requirements.
  3. Meet with DDOT, and place projects into programs to move them forward.

Created in partnership with Livable City Group, the Neighborhood Transportation plan is the result

of intentional efforts to expand our organizational capabilities with an enhanced focus on value-added public safety, transportation mobility and quality of life servicesin addition to the already strong baseline cleaning and maintenance services – as identified during the process to update our MVT CID strategic plan. Additional information about our new goals and objectives resulting from this strategic plan update will be released soon, so please stay tuned.

For additional information about our Neighborhood Transportation Plan for Mount Vernon Triangle or to request a copy, please email