MVT Clean Team Continues – and Expands – Essential Services During COVID-19 Emergency
Tuesday April 7, 2020
Last month, during the early stages of DC’s response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, we shared some of measures being taken to protect our Clean Team – all of whom had the security of both health and paid time off benefits prior to the enhanced protections provided by Congress, and therefore never had to work sick – and limit coronavirus exposure to both themselves and others while in service to our community. Examples of some of the enhanced cleaning protocols we’ve implemented include sanitizing trashcans, using anti-bacterial wipes on benches, wearing plastic disposable gloves, and reminding Clean Team members to distance themselves from community members and each other.

In addition to continuing to provide essential and uninterrupted street cleaning and public works services, last week the Clean Team picked up a new assignment: daily meal delivery to the grandfamilies at Plaza West—a innovative intergenerational residential community in Mount Vernon Triangle for grandparents who are the primary caretakers for their grandchildren. With the Clean Team’s support, Plaza West grandparents no longer must leave home – putting their own health at increased risk in the process, while leaving their vulnerable grandchildren to care for themselves or be cared for by others – to help ensure their family does not go hungry. MVT CID extends its gratitude to the Office of Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen, DC Central Kitchen, DC Public Schools including staff at the Walker-Jones Educational Campus, and of course Plaza West grandfamilies and staff for their quick coordination to organize this ongoing effort.
So when you see our Clean Team members on the street, please be sure to express your thanks—from a safe social distance, of course.