
MVT Retail Survey & Mid-Year “Pulse Check”

Friday July 29, 2022

With lots of new mixed-use development either under construction or in our pipeline, and multiple storefronts looking for new operators to call their location home, now is a dynamic time for retail services in Mount Vernon Triangle. Please help our commercial property owners with their leasing efforts by taking our MVT retail survey!

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and in appreciation for your time and feedback, 10 lucky respondents will be entered to win $100 in gift certificates to participating MVT Bucks retailers.

Also included in the survey: a short mid-year “pulse check” to measure perceptions of cleanliness, safety, and engagement of Mount Vernon Triangle residents, workers, and visitors in the six months since our most recent Neighborhood Perception Survey this past January 2022.

Thank you in advance for your feedback and please don’t hesitate to contact with any questions about the survey.

Take the survey.