Thank You to Our Holiday Gift Drive Donors
Friday January 8, 2021

Thank you to all of the donors that participated in our holiday gift drive last month! Almost 100 gifts were donated to deserving children at Plaza West. Thanks to the gracious donors listed below – some of whom donated multiple gifts – more 20 families were able to put gifts under the tree this year. We couldn’t be more appreciative of our community’s generosity and overwhelming support of this initiative.
Plaza West is an innovative affordable housing development serving grandparents raising grandkids. The unique development has 50 units for head of households age 50 and older who have legal custody/guardianship of at least one minor child. Plaza West is just one of a handful of such projects across the country and is the only project of its type in Washington, DC.
MVT Gift Drive Donors:
Adriana Lucca
Allison Bondanza
Alpana Gupta
Ana Badami
Ann Marie Novock
Brittney Stretsbery
Brittnie Velella
Cat Matsuda
Claire Whitin
Curtis Chase
Elena Anderson-De Lay
Elizabeth Allard
Emily Mace
Grace Sheehy
Heather Rosson Baker
Hebe Shaw
Holly Marie Moskerintz
Jacqueline Delaney
Jennie Alfaro
Jenny Crawford
Jessica Bernstein
Jessica Corley
Joel Riethmiller
Julia Follick
Julie Smith
Karen Lundy
Kelli Gorman
Kelli Gorman
Kimberly Powell
Kourtney Ginn
Libby Merritt
Linda Toth
Maggie Newton
Marnie Wallach
Melissa Fuerth
Melissa Serotkin
Michael Busby
Molly Scalise
Nicole Fierro
Peggy Morgan
Rae Larabie
Ruben Cuevas Nieto
Sam Garfield
Samantha Margolis
Sara Ryan
Shannon Bishop-Green
Stephanie Kubala
Stephanie Quick
Stephanie Trifone
Tina Rivard
Vikram Swaruup
Will Glynn