
Annual Meeting Recap – Release of FY 2013 Annual Report; Awards Given

Wednesday June 25, 2014

It was standing room only in The Lyric’s rooftop community room on May 29th, when Claire Oleksiak, accompanied by Executive Committee members, Pastor Joseph Evans, Berk Shervin, Mandi Wedin, and Ivory Toldson presented FY 2013 accomplishments and released the Annual Report. Mayor Vincent Gray made remarks noting the tremendous changes and vitality of the neighborhood and the MVT CID presented 5th Street Ace Hardware owner, Gina Schaeffer, with the annual Public Service Award for Outstanding Leadership and Dedication to the Community. The MVT CID also honored the Clean Team for their hard work and gave James Shipman the Outstanding Performance Award and Ronald Jacobs the Employee of the Year Award.
(photo courtesy BadWolfDC)