
2021 Holiday Gift Drive a Smashing Success!

Wednesday December 22, 2021

MVT CID extends its sincere thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s gift drive benefiting the “grandfamilies” at Plaza West! Following the success of last year’s drive, we decided this year to incorporate caretaking grandparents to the list of recipients. And the result? Every grandparent or grandchild who participated received at least one gift on their holiday wish list!

Thank you to the dozens of residents, office workers, and friends of MVT who graciously provided gifts for this year’s effort. And our special thanks to the team at Generations United – an international nonprofit that improves the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational collaboration, public policies, and programs – for partnering with MVT CID to give our AIPAC stakeholder and its employees a platform to raise significant monetary proceeds that supported the purchase of scores of gift cards for deserving families this holiday season.