Cobb Park Moves One Step Closer Thanks to Recent Push by Councilmember Allen
Friday February 2, 2024
Great news Mount Vernon Triangle: we’re now one step closer to delivering the long-anticipated greenspace that you’ve repeatedly requested and our community urgently needs!
As shared yesterday by our Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen, the District’s Department of General Services, Parks and Recreation, and Transportation have formally outlined the next steps that will put Cobb Park – a 1.2-acre site that is currently fenced off from public use but for which there are ambitious plans for it to become an iconic open and artistic space, destination, and gateway into Mount Vernon Triangle and downtown DC – on a path for groundbreaking by early summer this year and construction completion the following winter.
This is a major win for our Mount Vernon Triangle community, on whose behalf MVT CID has consistently advocated for more of these types of green, open, and public use space resources and amenities. We organized a community-wide public meeting and planning workshop and released our MVT CID Open Space Study in 2018, published this extensive community update on efforts to increase open space in Mount Vernon Triangle in 2019, and in 2021 led a successful effort to secure more project funding in the FY 2022 District budget. And with Councilmember Allen’s continued support, it appears that we now have the momentum needed to finally make this top community priority for which there remains overwhelming public support a reality.
The significance of this project cannot be understated. In addition to adding significant value to the quality of life for our current residents, workers, students, and visitors, Cobb Park also enhances MVT’s appeal to future residents, workers, employers, and visitors as well as the thousands of new students, faculty, and staff anticipated with the imminent arrival of the Georgetown Capitol Campus to downtown’s East End—contributing to MVT’s long-term sustainability in every possible way.
MVT CID extends its sincere thanks and gratitude to Councilmember Allen for his strong, steady, and vocal advocacy of this quality-of-life effort to deliver more greenspace through the reactivation of Cobb Park in a manner that is responsive our community’s needs. We’ll continue to provide updates as the project progresses so stay tuned for more information in the weeks and months ahead!
Cobb Park Today
Cobb Park Planned