
Give the Gift of Reading!

Friday April 21, 2023

We’re thrilled to announce that our friends at Turning the Page have partnered with Plaza West Grandfamlies Apartments to create a curated wish list of children’s books that will go toward their “Building a Home Library” 25th anniversary effort to provide 2,500 books to home libraries of Turning the Page families across the community. Your donation will help ensure that the grandfamilies at Plaza West have new books to share directly with their grandchildren and support the creation of a community library at Plaza West.

Donate to the Plaza West Book Drive today and don’t forget to stop by Milian Park (499 Massachusetts Avenue NW) on Saturday, May 6 for the rescheduled MVT Spring Literature Festival to browse a selection used books for $6 and under that will benefit the efforts of Turning the Page!


[Purchase Books for Plaza West Grandfamilies]