Message from Kenyattah Robinson: Congratulations & Best Wishes to Assistant Chief Morgan Kane
Thursday July 22, 2021
On behalf of our Mount Vernon Triangle community, we extend our congratulations to Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Assistant Chief Morgan Kane. After five years of service as Commander of MPD’s First District, which includes Mount Vernon Triangle, she earned a promotion to the position of Assistant Chief to oversee the newly created Technical and Analytical Services Bureau. Whether it was attending community building events such as National Night Out to generate support for – and participation in – local anti-crime and emergency preparedness programs and to strengthen neighborhood spirit (as shown in the below photo with former ANC 6E05 Commissioner Alex Marriott and me), or joining evening Zoom calls with our condominium associations on very short notice to discuss emergent public safety issues, Assistant Chief Kane was always a friend to me, our organization, and our Mount Vernon Triangle community.
A frequent guest at our MVT dining scene, I first met the Assistant Chief in September 2016 (just a few months into my tenure at the CID) during a community meeting at Mount Carmel Baptist Church to discuss an uptick in illegal and uncivil behavior – including the presence of criminal activity in broad daylight – within our “bowtie” parks at 5th Street NW & Massachusetts Avenue NW. Assistant Chief Kane’s substantive yet reassuring presence helped us implement a successful model for reclaiming these once-troubled spaces, enhancing stakeholder value, and providing peace of mind to the community. These valuable assets, including the public sidewalks and accompanying rights-of-way, became once again safe and welcoming for the use and enjoyment of both children and adults.
The value of our partnership with Assistant Chief Kane is best captured in this testimonial that she provided for our FY 2016 Annual Report: “Since I assumed the role of First District Commander last summer, the MVT CID has earned my trust as a proven and reliable partner to the Metropolitan Police Department. They’re positive and solutions-oriented in their focus, committed to their community, and proactive in reaching out and coordinating to keep their neighborhood safe. On a personal level, it’s been inspiring to witness the tremendous progress that has taken place in this once very rough area. It was one of the first areas I served during my early years as a patrol officer, and I’m thrilled for the opportunity to serve as the district commander with responsibility for the MVT CID during this exciting phase of its growth and development.”
Assistant Chief Kane recently visited the neighborhood late last month, when as shown in the photograph below she hosted a dinner at dLeña for a group of recently promoted female officers—a true testament to her natural talent as a leader. Mount Vernon Triangle is without question a much safer community for residents, workers, business owners, and visitors thanks to the strength of our partnership with Assistant Chief Kane and her team.
We once again congratulate and extend our very best wishes to Assistant Chief Kane in her new role. And we look forward maintaining our already strong partnership with MPD’s First District, including new First District Commander Ralph McLean, to support the ongoing safety of our Mount Vernon Triangle community.