
Playable Art Awarded to MVT

Wednesday June 25, 2014

The DC Office of Planning has named the Mount Vernon Triangle community as one of three Washington, DC locations for a Playable Art grant. The Playable Art DC team, led by the DC Office of Planning and funded by a grant from ArtPlace America, conducted a search for three non-traditional sites as homes for creative, innovative and artistic play structures. The Mount Vernon Triangle site will be located along a section of the K Street streetscape near 5th and K Streets, NW. The Playable Art DC team will now conduct design workshops with neighbors of all ages and an online survey available here. Once the workshop information is gathered, OP will release a call for designers. The MVT CID extends its appreciation to the many local businesses and residents who took the time to express their support for this  opportunity to enrich our neighborhood. Additional information on Playable Art DC can be found here.