
The h3 Project Continues the Mission

Friday March 1, 2024

Last week, The h3 Project founder Dr. Ami Angell presented a comprehensive one-hour course to Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) employees on opioid overdoses. Attendees explored the science behind opioid use and its impact on the brain. They also received an overview of common opioids, gained insights into opioid use in the District of Columbia, and learned how to effectively use Naloxone to reverse an opioid overdose.

After the training, attendees were invited to help package approximately 1,000 hygiene packs filled with essential items including soap, sanitizer, toothbrushes & toothpaste, mouthwash, feminine hygiene products, and other assorted essentials. These packs will be delivered by The h3 Project to those in need, ensuring that individuals facing challenging circumstances have access to basic hygiene necessities.

In our most recent MVT Neighborhood Perception Survey, 47% of respondents ranked “homeless outreach” as a top four most important MVT programmatic priority, with 18% of respondents ranking it as their top focus area – making it the second highest-ranked priority after public safety. MVT CID is committed to providing meaningful supportive services to individuals experiencing homelessness in our community, which is why MVT CID on our stakeholders’ behalf funds and supports The h3 Project in its work in Mount Vernon Triangle. We are heartened to see The h3 Project furthering its mission to end homelessness and human trafficking by partnering with organizations like AAMC here in Mount Vernon Triangle.

If you are interested in getting involved or learning more, The h3 Project is hosting Homelessness 101 & Opioid Overdose and Prevention Workshop at Lost Generation Brewing on Saturday, March 2 from 10-11am. All are welcome to attend!

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