
2019 Neighborhood Perception Survey Now Live!

Wednesday December 4, 2019

Help us understand how the MVT CID can better serve your needs and interests, and take a few minutes to share your feedback in the Neighborhood Perception Survey covering the 2019 calendar year. Your responses will help to improve the quality of the programs and service offerings provided by the MVT CID, with five lucky respondents winning a $50 gift card to an MVT CID retail location of their choice!

You may access the survey here.

Conducted annually, the Neighborhood Perception Survey is used to gather stakeholder feedback regarding MVT CID services and programs and well as neighborhood preferences, which the  MVT CID translates into specific initiatives and strategic priorities. What’s more, as we embark upon our fourth five-year term as one of DC’s 11 Business Improvement Districts, your feedback will be instrumental to development of a new strategic plan to guide MVT CID’s operations for the next five years.

Please contact with any questions about this survey or feedback to share with our staff. Thank you for your participation!